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Biography of Coke

Sources: Down to earth, Market watch, Our changing climate, Huffpost, Guardian, Java films, BBC news

Coca Cola has been the no.1 corporate global plastic polluter for the past 3 years. 


The first problem being WATER. There are 58 bottling facilities in India, and in one of those factories coke produces more than 8,60,000 bottles per day. Out of these, two shut due to depletion of ground water and a devastating impact on the local communities.


Secondly, Coca Cola has a PLASTIC problem. Initially when the coke bottles were made of glass, there was a deposit system that made sure that customers returned the glass bottles back for the company to reuse. Now, Coca Cola produces 3 million tonnes of plastic packaging a year, i.e 2,00,000 bottles every single minute! 


Producing plastic bottle because it’s cheaper means spending on ocean clean up and recycling. The result has been excessive plastic pollution and the arrival of a gruesome poverty economy centered around recycling. 


People search through piles of trash on beaches and landfills all to collect bottles that coke churns out. And yet, only 29% of those bottles are collected and almost none make back into bottles.


The solution? 

Should they go back to the glass deposit system? 

Or rethink the way they are bringing products to people, by centering systems of reuse and package free options?

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